Code of Conduct



Download Code of Conduct

Download Manual del Código de Conducta del Estudiante

Download Code of Conduct Overview

Download Código de Conducta Visión De Conjunto

Code of Conduct Video Overview



The School District of Indian River County is deeply committed to
developing and maintaining safe, respectful, and orderly learning
environments where staff and students thrive, feel supported, and celebrated


  • We believe student success is driven by climate and culture, which begins with clear expectations.

  • All students should have a positive
    learning experience in the classroom that motivates regular attendance and engagement with curriculum.

  • Our responsibility is to provide
    appropriate behavioral and social
    emotional prevention strategies and interventions.


Restructured format to include section on Student Safety & Health and appendices.

Included student identification cards in the Dress Code expectations, which must be worn and visible during the instructional day and on SDIRC transportation.

Updated District guidelines for bullying behaviors with grade-level appropriate interventions.

Developed specific procedures to address student use of artificial intelligence in the classroom.

Portrait of Children with their arms around eachother



  • Attend all classes on time and be prepared to learn.
    • Maintain open communication with teachers through email, learning platform, and Focus.
    • Submit coursework on-time as outlined in the pacing guide or as assigned by your teacher.
    • Follow classroom rules and expectations and demonstrate good citizenship.
    • Report threats and hazardous or dangerous situations to an adult in authority.
    • Follow the rules of conduct/behavior, demonstrate respect for school property, and follow the Student Network and Internet Responsible Use and Safety Agreement.
    • Treat others with dignity and respect.
    • Do not discriminate, bully, or harass.
    • Do not bring or possess illegal items and substances.
    • All of the above pertain to online learning platforms.
    • In addition, online students must participate actively in class through discussions, posts, and other assignments as directed by the teacher.
    • Please reference School Board Policy 5780 – Student/Parent Rights for additional information.
  • Encourage appropriate student behavior.
    • Monitor your child’s progress through the Focus Parent Portal and support learning.
    • Share concerns with school officials as they arise.
    • Adhere to all school safety protocols.
    • Provide current contact information.
    • Notify the school of any custody changes or other legal matters that relate to school.
    • Ensure your child attends school and notify the school of any absences.
    • Participate in your child’s school activities, conferences, and problem-solving meetings as applicable.
    • Maintain your child’s safety when attending any event as a spectator.
    • Visit your child’s school and observe in a classroom and/or extra-curricular activities consistent with school processes and procedures.
    • Remit payment for damage done to school district property by a student, including lost or damaged books and teaching materials. If property or damages are not restored, schools may require student loss of extracurricular activity privilege or participation in community service.
    • Please reference School Board Policy 5780 –Student/Parent Rights for additional information.

• Promote a positive, safe, and supportive school climate.
• Provide interventions through a multi-tiered system of supports, and equitably implement corrective interventions.
• Recognize, encourage, and reinforce appropriate and positive conduct by all students.
• Communicate and respond to parents/guardians in a way that is accessible and easily understood.
• Participate in professional development (e.g., non-academic barriers, student engagement, etc.).
• Provide each student with due process.
• Administer interventions and consequences consistently and equitably, regardless of national origin, race, sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation.
• Use exclusionary measures as a last resort, and in accordance with district policies.
• Provide students with makeup work when students are not in class.
• Provide supervision on school premises for a reasonable period (i.e., 30 minutes before and after school), and while attending or participating in a school-sponsored activity.
• Involve School Resource Officers when required.
• Orient students to class expectations, including all students in online learning platforms.